// // P3E 10GHz ant primefocus of AMSAT-OH // // POVRAY (3.5) model by Matti Aarnio, OH2MQK, on 2005-Apr-21 // // povray +A0.1 +H1000 +W1000 +P +FN +Op3e-10g-ant-primefocus.png p3e-10g-ant-primefocus.pov // #declare XlucentGray = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 1 1 0.75> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.1 roughness 0.03125 } } #declare XlucentGray2 = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 1 1 0.75> } finish { ambient 0.6 specular 0.1 roughness 0.03125 } } #declare SolidWhite = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 1 1 0> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare SolidRed = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 0 0 0> } finish { ambient 0.4 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare XlucentRed = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 0 0 0.75> } finish { ambient 0.4 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare SolidGreen = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 1 0 0> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare XlucentGreen = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 1 0 0.75> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare SolidBlue = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 0 1 0> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare XlucentBlue = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0 0 1 0.75> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare SolidYellow = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 1 0 0> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare XlucentYellow = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 1 1 0 0.50> } finish { ambient 0.3 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare SolidRed2 = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0.8 0 0 0> } finish { ambient 0.8 specular 0.5 roughness 0.078125 } } #declare XlucentRed2 = texture { pigment { color rgbf < 0.8 0 0 0.0> } finish { ambient 0.7 specular 0.502 roughness 0.03125 } } global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.3 } camera { // orthographic location <460, 200, 220> look_at <0, 60, 0> angle 30 } union { // -------------------- long wrapper for animation rotation ---------------- light_source { <4000, 4000, -4000> color rgb <1,1,1> } light_source { <0, 5000, 0> color rgb <1,1,1> } // System bulkhead cylinder { <0, 0, 0>, <0, -1, 0>, 300 texture { SolidWhite } } // Dish approximation: difference { sphere { <0, 122, 0>, 124 } union { cylinder { // Cut off <0, 23, 0>, <0, 300, 0>, 200 } sphere { <0, 122, 0>, 122 } } texture { SolidGreen pigment { checker scale 10 } } // texture { XlucentGreen } } // Prime focus feeder union { cylinder { <0, 55, 0>, <0, 130, 0>, 9 } cylinder { <0, 55, 0>, <0, 69, 0>, 23 } texture { SolidBlue } // texture { XlucentBlue } } // Couple rays union { cylinder { <0, 62, 0>, <2, 20, 65>, 1 } cylinder { <2, 20, 65>, <2, 200, 65>, 1 } cylinder { <0, 62, 0>, <2, 20, -65>, 1 } cylinder { <2, 20, -65>, <2, 200, -65>, 1 } texture { SolidYellow } } // Trusses union { cylinder { <0, 0, 90>, <0, 90, 9>, 1 } cylinder { <0, 0, -90>, <0, 90, -9>, 1 } cylinder { <90, 0, 0>, <9, 90, 0>, 1 } cylinder { <-90, 0, 0>, <-9, 90, 0>, 1 } cylinder { <0, 0, 90>, <0, 130, 9>, 1 } cylinder { <0, 0, -90>, <0, 130, -9>, 1 } cylinder { <90, 0, 0>, <9, 130, 0>, 1 } cylinder { <-90, 0, 0>, <-9, 130, 0>, 1 } texture { SolidRed } // texture { XlucentRed } } // Measuring stick box { <0,0,90>, <0, 132, 100> texture { SolidGreen pigment { checker scale 10 } } } box { <0,0,-100>, <0, 132, -90> texture { SolidGreen pigment { checker scale 10 } } } } // ------------------- end of animation rotation wrapper ---------------------